Who are we?
Hi there! I’m Corey. A guy from the midwest thats always dreamed of living in Tahoe. I made that dream turn into reality in 2016 when I became a full time home owner on Donner Summit continuing my career as a Cardiac Surgery ICU nurse for 10+ years. As a full time resident I’ve acquired the knowledge & experience of what it takes to live & thrive in this dynamic environment! As you are well aware, our robust seasons can dramatically impact our property & homes. It can be very difficult or inconvenient for my neighbors to always be present to maintain their property, therefore consider me to be your steward. Contact me for services I may provide, allowing you more time to do the things we enjoy here.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your property needs and how we can help you. Call for an appointment & estimate. If you prefer we can do a virtual meeting from your property.